Honey Lemon Soda follows the lives of two polar opposites who seek to bring out the best in one another to improve what they both get out of life. Slated to arrive to Crunchyroll on January 8, here's ...
Ishimori Uka is very shy and has a hard time making friends When she was a middle school student students made fun of her by calling her stone Around that time she met Miura Kai with lemon color ...
Luckily, you only need a fresh lemon and a box of baking soda to do so. The first way is to pour a small amount of baking soda into a bowl and squeeze half of the lemon into it. Mix the baking ...
I very nearly didn't get to see the premiere of Honey Lemon Soda at Anime Frontier. Both it and Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You were in the same round of premieres, and the first two episodes ...