Badr Al-Shaibani embarks on a new and thrilling journey across the Rub' al Khali desert, also known as the Empty Quarter Desert, the largest sand desert and the fourth-largest desert in the world.
home to the Rub Al Khali (Empty Quarter). As the largest uninterrupted sand mass in the world, the Empty Quarter provides the perfect backdrop for a variety of desert excursions. Whether you'd ...
Sitting about a block west of the Palace Museum is the striking Al Jahili Fort ... is known for his journeys across the Rub Al Khali (Empty Quarter) desert. Travelers who have spent time at ...
Starting at the Rub' al Khali desert on December 9, the trekkers covered 680km and concluded their expedition at the Heritage Village in Global Village on Saturday. Dr Stratton, a UK scientist ...
Tilal Liwa Hotel, a secluded hideaway leisure resort perched on the edge of Rub Al Khali Desert in Abu Dhabi's Empty Quarter, will celebrate the UAE’s 46 th year of the Union and invites ...