Lone star ticks don't spread Lyme disease, but they can transmit other serious diseases and are linked to a mysterious meat allergy. And the threat is growing. A lone star tick By Catherine ...
Other common ticks, such as dog ticks, lone star ticks, and Gulf Coast ticks, do not carry Lyme disease. You can only get Lyme disease if an infected tick bites you. You can't get it from a tick ...
Alicia Tucker suffers from alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), a type of allergy that is passed to humans via a single, tiny vector: ...
DETROIT – There appears to be a new reason to be concerned about ticks and Lyme disease this summer ... hives and even anaphylactic shock. The Lone Star tick appears to be the one causing ...
Does Lyme disease pose a threat here in the UK? And if so, what precautions should we be taking to avoid the tick-borne illness? We asked the experts. Miranda Hart is the latest celebrity to speak ...
But the numbers of blacklegged ticks, the main transmitters of the Lyme disease bacteria, are growing, she said. Vett Lloyd, a biology professor at Mount Allison University, says her lab's ...
There’s an epidemic of tick-transmitted Lyme disease, with some estimates putting the number of people diagnosed and treated in the U.S. at 476,000 people a year, according to the Centers for ...