G80 M3 现在只要 30 多万就能买到,而且还是 4S 新车包牌?但随着改哥深挖后发现这事情不简单,常州这家宝马 4S 店宣传的所谓 M3,其实是由新宝马 3 ...
See all generations of the BMW M3: discover information about every model year and check out what was changed.
The current-generation G80 BMW M3 has become a benchmark for the fast saloon, and while it still has some life left, its maker is already looking towards its replacement. Word from BMW bosses in ...
BMW’s new G80 M3 Competition has already confounded the doubters. When announced, the idea of a significant weight gain (the M3 is now a 1730kg car), the switch to a torque converter automatic ...