IT之家 3 月 5 日闪讯速报,苹果今日发布了 M3 Ultra 芯片,苹果称 M3 Ultra 是其迄今打造的最强芯片,配备了 Mac 性能最强劲的中央处理器和图形处理器,神经网络引擎核心数量翻倍,统一内存容量创个人电脑新高。
Apple发布M3 Ultra晶片,这款全新晶片的效能最高是M1 Ultra 的2.6倍,支援Thunderbolt 5 连接功能,并支援个人电脑歷来最大的、超过 0.5TB 统一记忆体。此外,Apple也推出搭载M3 Ultra晶片的Mac ...
DoNews3月5日消息,苹果今日发布了 M3 Ultra 芯片,苹果称 M3 Ultra 是其迄今打造的最强芯片,配备了 Mac 性能最强劲的中央处理器和图形处理器,神经网络引擎核心数量翻倍,统一内存容量创个人电脑新高。M3 Ultra 还支持雷雳 ...
苹果宣布,推出M3 Ultra芯片。这是苹果迄今打造的最强芯片,配备了Mac性能最强劲的CPU和GPU,神经网络引擎核心数量翻倍,统一内存容量创下新高。另外还支持雷雳5连接,每个端口的带宽提升达两倍以上,以实现更快的连接和强大的扩展功能。M3 ...
尽管苹果此前已经带来了多款M4系列芯片,但是上一代的M3系列并没有推出其最强悍的Ultra产品。而今,苹果与新款Mac Studio一起带来了全新的M3 Ultra芯片,性能表现比起上代M2 Ultra以及M4 Max都更强,是苹果迄今打造的最强芯片 ...
Apple today announced M3 Ultra, the highest-performing chip it has ever created, offering the most powerful CPU and GPU in a ...
The new iPad Air M3 might not be a revolutionary device, but it packs several new features that could make it the best iPad ...
Apple said M3 Ultra-powered Mac Studio can run large language models with over 600 billion parameters directly on-device, ...
Apple® today announced M3 Ultra, the highest-performing chip it has ever created, offering the most powerful CPU and GPU in a ...
According to Apple, the M3 Ultra represents the pinnacle its scalable system-on-a-chip architecture and it takes aim at users who need more silicon muscle for heavily threaded and bandwidth-intensive ...
Apple has introduced new Mac Studio models with two processor options: M4 Max and a new M3 Ultra.
The new Mac Studio with M3 Ultra and M4 Max options have just been unveiled by Apple. Here's everything you need to know ...