AT32M412/M416是雅特力为电机驱动应用量身打造的电机专用微控制器新品,采用ARM ® Cortex ®-M4F内核,高达180MHz CPU主频,配备64KB到128KB闪存(Flash)和16KB SRAM,另有1KB OTP数据存储空间,可实现产品双备份OTA升级需求,如电动两轮车、冰箱压缩机、洗碗机、洗衣机等应用。
Best M416 Loadout in PUBG Mobile We aim to create a weapon with zero recoil for M416 while maintaining a balance between ...
Best AUG A3 Attachment Loadout in PUBG Mobile While AUG A3 may not have the five slots found in M416, the four slots still provide ample customization options to tailor the weapon to your play style.