在前几年,“别吃我”信号通路CD47-SIRPα,可谓是最热门的开发领域之一。 随着诸多管线的临床推进安全性问题频发,吉利德、天境医药等先锋企业 ...
为解决 HDACi 疗法耐药问题,湖州师范学院第一附属医院等单位研究人员开展巨噬细胞浸润及 CD47 对 HDACi 疗法影响的研究。结果发现可靶向巨噬细胞或阻断 CD47 逆转耐药。推荐阅读,助你了解癌症治疗新方向。 在癌症的世界里,一场没有硝烟的战争正在激烈上演。
ALX Oncology is laying off 30% of its workforce as the biotech seeks to channel its cash into further trials of its CD47 blocker. The drug, called evorpacept, is in a pair of phase 2 trials for ...
Gilead is dealing with more turbulence in its development of CD47-targeting antibody magrolimab, with a partial clinical hold placed on the drug by the FDA in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).