又在MX2世界锦标赛再下一城,连续两年蝉联冠军的殊荣。 这位年轻的极限摩托车(MX)明星车手在本季拿下14场胜利,西班牙籍车手尚有另一项优异的 ...
3月7-9日,意大利FMI越野摩托车锦标赛 2025赛季揭幕战在意大利北部的奥托比亚诺(Ottobiano)举行。在 Prestige MX2这一级别,杜卡迪全新的一款越野赛车 Desmo250 MX 首次正式亮相赛场。
Ducati's second motocross model will make its racing debut in the Italian Prestige MX2 Championship this weekend, with ...
CHERRY MX2.0 PRO机械键盘是一款专为电竞游戏和高效办公设计的高性能三模机械键盘,支持有线、2.4GHz无线以及蓝牙连接方式,灵活适配多种使用场景。采用轻量化无钢结构设计,搭配经典CHERRY MX红轴,手感轻盈顺滑,长时间使用依然舒适稳定。全键无冲与超低延迟 ...
青岛讯——青岛征和工业股份有限公司日前与本田赛车公司(HRC)签署协议,成为HRC车队2025赛季世界摩托车越野锦标赛(MXGP/MX2)及全日本摩托车越野锦标赛(JMX)的官方赞助商。此举标志着征和链条在全球化战略中的重要里程碑。 征和链条是国内链传动行业的领军企业,以其强大的技术积累为多家知名车企提供核心部件。此次合作中,征和工业为HRC车队定制了高性能的MX系列链系统,具备高耐磨性、高精度、 ...
We're about to see the race debut of the Desmo250 MX, which represents the second step in Ducati's motocross plan, and if its ...
Ducati announced an all-new 250 motocross machine, the Desmo250 MX, which will debut at the Italian Motocross Championship.
Ducati’s foray into motocross has hit another significant milestone after their Desmo 250MX prototype model secured the team ...
Ducati ’s championship winning Desmo450 MX is now ready to appear in dealerships from June with a retail price of £11,245.
The Ducati Desmo250 MX finishes third in an Italian Prestige MX2 Championship race, ridden by Alessandro Lupino.
The Desmo250 MX passes the first test of the season, taking third place in the Italian Prestige MX2 Championship with a ...