Spanning the better part of a century, the series begins with Capone’s early days in New York and continues through his move to Chicago - to work with his childhood mentor in the underworld.
Pennisi was born and raised in an Italian New York neighbourhood where the mob had huge influence. He speaks on how he ended up being an associate with the Gambino family through John Gotti Jr.
Frank Cali, reputed leader of the Gambino crime family, was gunned down outside his Staten Island home in New York, just a few minutes ... rise to leadership of the mob. The exact number of ...
Pennisi was born and raised in an Italian New York neighborhood where the mob had a huge influence. He speaks on how he ended up being an associate with the Gambino family through John Gotti Jr.
The former boss of a major New York crime gang has died ... his criminal organisation from behind bars, making his one of the longest-running mob leaderships in history. Persico was born in ...