The Animation Guild staged its third "March on the Boss" protest on Monday at the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank as its negotiating committee returns to talks on a new labor contract.
This animation of NOAA's GOES satellite data shows the progression of the major winter storm over the US Mid-Atlantic and northeastern US on March 12 and 13. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert!
Animation workers marched to the DreamWorks Animation offices on Tuesday to deliver a petition demanding a "fair deal" less than a week before their union contract negotiations restart. Workers ...
coming to Netflix this March. It’s not every day you hear about an animated film opening for Critics’ Week at a film festival, let alone one that was produced outside of Hollywood. So when we ...
The Animation Guild staged its third “March on the Boss” protest on Monday at the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank as its negotiating committee returns to talks on a new labor contract. The protest, which ...