The Mardi Gras season, also known as Carnival, begins on January 6th and ends on March 4th, 2025. The first Mardi Gras celebration in the U.S. took place in 1699, but celebrations were temporarily ...
Major changes could be in store for Mardi Gras and Carnival season this year.The city's security rating was raised for this event following the terror attack last ...
Mardi Gras was declared a legal state holiday within Louisiana in 1875. The official start of Carnival Season is marked by Twelfth Night, which is Jan. 6 this year. This year, Mardi Gras Day falls ...
In February 2013, an engine room fire led to a power loss on the Carnival Triumph, stranding the ship in the Gulf of Mexico. It took five days to tow the enormous vessel back to port, and its ...
Here is when, where and how the good times will roll for Mardi Gras in the Houston area in 2025. Also known as Carnival or Carnaval, it’s celebrated in many countries around the world ...
Mardi Gras — and all the fun that comes with it — has officially begun across the Gulf Coast, but another Carnival celebration in our nation's capital is also just around the corner.