The film begins with the Annunciation: Mary, a young Galilean, virginal conceived the Messiah, the Son of God. Her husband Joseph, a humble carpenter, decided to stay by his side throughout.
In Nazareth in Galilee, at the time of Roman emperor Augustus and of the king of Jews Herod, lives a simple young woman, Mary, between the love of her parents, of her fiancé Joseph the carpenter ...
“I like that we’re depicting Mary as this full character with some agency, courage and her fears at the surface,” she says. But other historical inaccuracies stood out. The movie places ...
Several other actors in the movie, including Ido Tako, who plays Joseph, and Keren Tzur, who plays Elizabeth, are also Israeli. The real Mary was believed to be a Jewish woman from Nazareth ...
“I like that we’re depicting Mary as this full character with some agency, courage and her fears at the surface,” she says. But other historical inaccuracies stood out. The movie places ...