在区块链技术不断成熟与生态日趋复杂的今天,MEV(最大可提取价值)原本被视为交易排序缺陷所引发的偶发漏洞,正逐步演变成一种高度复杂、系统性的利润收割机制。其中,三明治攻击因其利用交易排序权在目标交易前后插入自有交易,操控资产价格实现低买高卖套利而备受 ...
最近加密市场遭遇轮番「血洗」,Solana 在 meme 币热潮退去后价格没涨不说,用户还在社交媒体上扎堆吐槽自己「被夹」了。X 用户 @btc_798 称在 Solana 链上买入 $GANG 代币后,该代币价格暴涨 100 倍,随后卖出持仓。然而 ...
The exploit happened thanks to a vulnerability that the brothers discovered in MEV-boost, a piece of software used by roughly 90% of the validators that run the blockchain, allowing them to see ...
The MEV Capital Usual Boosted USDC vault curated by MEV Capital is dedicated to providing capital to Usual protocol markets. It gives access to extra incentives from Usual to boost the USDC APR ...
MEV boost: A mechanism that allows users to submit transactions directly to miners, potentially reducing the window for front-running. Did you know? Maximal extractable value was once called miner ...