The franchise, however, added a new installment: Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate. We updated this article to include amazing quotes from this movie as well since they round up Megamind as a character.
The franchise follows the adventures of a supervillain named Megamind who suddenly gets a chance to defend Metro City from the forces of evil after defeating the now-retired superhero Metro Man.
The franchise follows the adventures of a supervillain named Megamind who suddenly gets a chance to defend Metro City from the forces of evil after defeating the now-retired superhero Metro Man.
The 'Megamind' meme has become a staple of internet humor, bringing fresh laughs with every new twist. Based on a scene from the animated movie Megamind, this meme has gained popularity among ...
Vanda Lee, Kristin Iris Johnson, and Smallwood are producing the film for MegaMind Media. The first biopic based on the BET+ American Gangster: Trap Queens series, First Lady of BMF: The Tonesa ...