The armed wing of the publicly mandated National Unity Government was joined by Karen fighters in assaulting junta positions ...
Khaing Thukha, a spokesperson for the Arakan Army, told The Associated Press that two military security outposts in Rathedaung were seized by his group and more than 20 police officers from a ...
The Russian military police will create eight outposts near the demilitarized ... They will serve as a security guarantee for civilians of the Quneitra governorate," he said.
IDF sources suggested that a period of two to eight months for the outposts was easily imaginable, and the military could stay there much longer if needed for security reasons. The five outposts ...
A security official attached to the Union home ministry said the decision was taken after considering the ground situation ...
According to military sources ... commanders in the field see the establishment of the outposts as an operational solution that can improve security control in the area over time after numerous ...
Khaing Thukha, a spokesperson for the Arakan Army, told The Associated Press by text message from an undisclosed location late Monday that his group had seized the last remaining military outpost ...
The Israeli military retained five outposts just over its northern border ... where the three agreed to appeal to the United Nations Security Council to pressure Israel into withdrawing from ...