This class reviews the development of modern evolutionary theory so that we can understand the natural history of humans and our closest relatives—the non-human primates. We survey modern primate ...
Nobody likes to wait, and we are willing to pay to avoid it. Expedited shipping, fast food and video streaming are all ...
Mayr achieved the "modern synthesis" in the 1930s and 1940s that integrated Mendel's theory of heredity with Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection Born in 1904 in Germany, Mayr ...
Biologists have recognized that the Darwinian struggle for survival involves strategic interactions, and modern evolutionary theory has close links with game theory. Game theory got its start with ...
He introduced three key innovations – Hamilton's rule, kin selection, and inclusive fitness – and his pioneering work kick-started a research program now known as social evolution theory. Tom Dickins ...
Biologists previously believed modern birds had evolved 20 million years later than the new evidence suggests.
where apparent shortcomings in evolutionary theory are exploited by those who point to non-scientific explanations. All theories need to be challenged, and assessing modern evolutionary biology ...
So forth and so on. The most recent, broadly recognized codification of evolutionary theory is known as the Modern Synthesis. After nearly 3 decades of theorizing, experimentation, and writing by ...
Scientists uncovered a 149-million-year-old bird fossil in southeastern China with unexpectedly modern traits they believe could rewrite the evolutionary history of birds.
Two Distinct Groups Mated Over Hundreds and Thousands of Years to Give Us the Modern Humans Human evolution has always been a ...
To be sure, the Lio don’t have anything akin to modern evolutionary theory, with speciation driven by mutation and natural selection. But if evolutionism is fundamentally concerned with how different ...
Before Darwin’s theory became central to evolutionary biology, it still had gaps that were left to be filled—until a certain ...