The computer animated film, presented at the Shanghai World Expo 2010, tells the story of the tiny state of Monaco, located on the Mediterranean Sea. Important stages in the history of the now ...
In May 2013 Fabio Failla, Massimo Faletti, Fabio Failla, Massimo Faletti, Luigi Filocamo and Sergio Soraci made the first ascent of La vita tra le dita (200m, 6 pitches, 6b+ obl), a new climb up the ...
Fabio Failla and Luigi Filocamo during the first ascent of Monaco di Clausura (5 pitches, 6c max, 6b+ oblig), Pizzo Monaco, San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily. is a site about climbing, ...
Overlooking Branson's Table Rock Lake with the Ozark Mountains showcased in the background, the D'Monaco and its 55 suites provide all the amenities necessary for an idyllic lakefront getaway.