and if you still suppose that Melbourne is the world’s most livable city, I have a bridge to sell you. Brooklyn or Sydney Harbor, make your choice. R.J. Stove is the author of César Franck ...
These suburbs have parks, shops, schools, transport and a great community feel, but home buyers might be hard-pressed to find ...
The Australian city retains its top ranking for the fourth consecutive year while Damascus plummets to the bottom of the list. Melbourne tops the ranking as the world’s most pleasant city to ...
Remarkable time-lapse video highlights the beauty of Melbourne, Australia -- ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit as the World's Most Liveable City. Video courtesy of Daniel Johnson.
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For the third consecutive year, Vienna ranked as the most liveable city in the world ... reflecting severe instability. In Melbourne, Australia, the tenth edition of the MPavilion, designed ...
Melbourne property auctions have seen an ... buyers snapping up homes under the hammer in Australia's most liveable city. Interstate buyer numbers at Ray White auctions jumped from 3.1 per cent ...
Melbourne has claimed bragging rights over ... For the third successive year the Austrian capital of Vienna ranked as the most liveable city after receiving 'perfect' scores in four out of five ...
Melbourne wastes 200 kg of food per person a year. Safety concerns as Victoria's Metropolitan Fire Brigade has responded to over 40 fires caused by home solar power systems in five years. Share ...
Picture: Ian Currie Flemington resident Megan Martin said her family, who have lived in the inner-city suburb for 14 years, were not surprised it was one of Melbourne’s most liveable.
Perth is the capital and largest city of Western ... Overall, Austria's most important and fastest growing industry is tourism. The major industries in Melbourne include health care and social ...
But Australia can also learn from China. Rather than mourn the end of a seven-year reign as ‘world’s most liveable city’, Melbourne could raise its sights to become more liveable ...