If mouldy apples are used to make juice there can ... One example of this is Aspergillus, which can grow on damp grain or nuts, producing deadly aflatoxins known to cause liver cancer.
No one wants to throw out perfectly good food, but when you spot mould on something in your fridge, how do you know if it's still safe to eat? While mouldy food often means it's time to toss it, there ...
He said that nuts, grains and apples are among the most dangerous to consume if they become mouldy. But other foods are OK, ...
He has outlined which food should be thrown away and which might still be OK, revealing that while nuts, grains and apples ...
Made from pine nuts, basil, olive oil ... the race is on to finish the jar before it starts to go mouldy. Due to the fresh ingredients, it's often not very long before this happens - but ...
"Moist bread types have a higher likelihood of becoming mouldy quicker than dryer bread varieties," said Busby. He explained that "water is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungus to ...