A vacuum oven is better. If it is not practical to wait until the NMR tubes are completely dry, use a deuterated solvent such as D 2 O in the final washing cycle. Sample degradation or precipitation ...
Add 700 ul of the filtered solution to a clean 5 mm NMR tube, and cap and label the tube. For the liquid samples, use about 700 ul spiked with 1-2 % TMS. As a general guide, a sample concentration of ...
Non-routine experiments are also performed and often lead to collaborations with NMR 3 staff. For an additional fee, you can have your NMR sample(s) prepared for you. In this case, please send samples ...
The following guidelines will help with preparing 1.7mm tubes. Left to right: 600μl in a 5mm tube. 200μl in a 3mm tube, 3mm shigemi tube with 70μl and 30μl in a 1.7mm tube. 1 pence piece to scale ...
Since the Nanalysis 60e benchtop NMR utilizes standard 5mm NMR tubes and standard sample volumes, sample preparation is made simple and easy, and additional steps such as injection and/or flushing are ...
25 positions for 5 mm diameter NMR tubes All controlled from within the SpinFlow software Automatic sample detection to simplify loading and unloading Easy to install Use varying length (minimum ...
Standard 5 mm NMR tubes or the simple flow cell are used in X-Pulse. The X-Auto sample changer, which is available as an option, increases throughput and automates data collecting for up to 25 samples ...