The average minimum and maximum temperature of Nalanda is as given below. The best time to visit Nalanda is also specified. How to Cycle From Kinnaur to Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh Neermahal ...
Nalanda is a historic city known mainly for its ruins. The Nalanda university was the world's first international residential university which is now in ruins. The archaeological museum and Hieun ...
Growing up in Nalanda, Abhay regularly visited the ruins of the Nalanda Mahavihara. “I used to read the small locally printed booklets sold on the footpath there, which carried information in ...
E stablished in 427 CE, Nalanda University in present-day Bihar, was home to one of the world’s first great universities, thriving centuries before Oxford and Harvard. However, its foundation ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the new campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar, on Wednesday. The university's new site is located near the ancient ruins of the original Nalanda ...