a jellied gas used in warfare in Vietnam. Napalm became the symbol of the war. Mark Greenside explains “Napalm was this hideous, jellied gas burning at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It didn't just ...
A Pennsylvania dentist thought a “bat bomb," with 1,000 bats starting fires, would end the war faster than the atomic bomb.
They used jets to dump napalm, a chemical that ... drop three million tonnes of bombs in Vietnam - more than all the bombs dropped in Europe during World War Two. However, bombing was highly ...
Napalm had been used before, most notably in the incendiary bombs that devastated large ... which meant that when its use in the Vietnam War became controversial, Dow was the only corporate ...
The military government that ruled Argentina in 1967 provided its Bolivian peers with napalm bombs and other arms to help combat guerrillas headed by Ernesto Che Guevara who three months after ...
Film footage of US soldiers burning homes and of the effects of napalm all turned public opinion against the war ... all the soldiers, bombs, and money spent in Vietnam, they were not making ...