Georgia daycare teacher Kimmy Middleton says children should nap during the day, regardless of a parent’s preference.
She apologized, but I quickly sensed my advantage. Positioning my desk behind this eyesore, I could nap after lunch without ...
Assembly speaker UT Khader plans to install 15 recliners in the assembly lobby to encourage legislators to attend post-lunch ...
“The key is setting the time to 10 minutes,” said Yuichi Goto, 42, a science teacher behind the power naps. Goto proposed the system nine years ago as a way to beat after-lunch drowsines ...
Put down that third cup of coffee and take try a NASA nap method instead. NASA found the ideal length of time of a power nap ...
Karnataka legislators to get recliners for post-lunch naps during sessions to prevent absenteeism, says Assembly Speaker.
Karnataka Assembly Speaker UT Khadar plans to hire 15 recliners for MLAs and MLCs to combat low attendance after lunch. He ...
Karnataka Assembly Speaker U T Khader announced the introduction of recliners for legislators to use post-lunch to curb absenteeism. Fifteen recliners will be rented during the legislative session ...