Tamil Nadu’s former World Cup-winning shooter Narmada Nithin Raju outgunned her more fancied rivals to win the 10m air rifle gold with a national record, even as Karnataka continued to top the medal ...
Former World Cup winner Narmada Nithin Raju overcame a strong field, which included Asian Games medallist Ramita Jindal and Olympian Elavenil Valarivan, to not just create a national record but miss ...
Narmada Nithin Raju of Tamil Nadu set a new national record to win the gold in the 10m air rifle event at the National Games. Competing against top names like Ramita Jindal and Elavenil Valarivan, she ...
Unlike Tilottama and Mehuli, Asian Games medallist Ramita Jindal seized the opportunity to make the cut for Paris. In her debut Olympics, she impressed the way she fought back in the qualification to ...