What is the distance between Narnaul and Chomun Samod? The distance between Narnaul and Chomun Samod is approximately 126 kilometers. Trains leaving Narnaul arrives at Chomun Samod on same day. What ...
What is the distance between Nindhar Benar and Narnaul? The distance between Nindhar Benar and Narnaul is approximately 142 kilometers. Trains leaving Nindhar Benar arrives at Narnaul on same day.
In Punjab, Bathinda was the coldest place in the state recording a minimum temperature of 5 degrees Celsius while Sangrur also experienced a cold night at 5.3 degrees Narnaul in Haryana was the ...
A programme was organised at a private school in Narnaul here today to make students, teachers and school bus drivers aware of road safety. Gaurav Tyagi, Deputy Manager, National Highway ...