Nasal irrigation is the cleansing of the nasal cavity with sterile salt water to flush out excess mucus or debris from the sinuses and nose, such as with the use of a neti pot. "People are more ...
CHRONIC and acute upper respiratory conditions are common and expensive. They impact us, especially during winter, when we’re confined indoors with windows tightly shut against wind and rain.
A stuffy nose can cause a lot of discomfort However most of the time it does not require medical attention and resolves on ...
Nasal douching, a.k.a. nasal irrigation, is easy to do: Once a day, lean over the sink, tilt your head, and rinse out your nostrils with warm salt water. “You can do this in less than five ...
Phara Brown, Sinus Sufferer At first I was a little ... Tip Two: Use only warm distilled or pre-boiled water and follow non-iodized salt instructions carefully. Anna Kelly, MD, Acupuncture ...