It's been a very long time since vendors sold the American chestnut on city sidewalks. It's no longer the variety whose smell some people associate with Christmastime as it wafts from street carts.
Before the blight, the American chestnut was the dominant tree in hardwood ... the east (as it had been for the eastern woodland Native Americans). Hogs and cattle were fattened on nuts in autumn.
Our project has produced an American chestnuts variety with enhanced blight tolerance using genetic engineering. Current varieties, referred to as 'Darling' chestnuts, shows enhanced tolerance to ...
The West Virginia Chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation reports that hybrid chestnut trees have already been planted at ...
Seeds of several native plant types from American chestnut habitats (Elymus/grass, Cichorium/forb, Gaultheria/shrub, Acer/deciduous tree, Pinus/conifer) were germinated in potting mix with different ...
But have you ever seen a healthy American chestnut tree in a forest ... We should harness the power of science to rescue an important native tree. I’ve been writing about this possibility ...