然而《Dark and Darker》上线后不久,Nexon 便指控 Ironmace 在《Dark and Darker》中使用了他们在 Nexon 任职期间《Project P3》项目的设计、概念、资产等内容。
Spent some time with the Tata Nexon EV Red Dark edition. Its available with the 45 kWh battery pack which is shared with the ...
【《越来越黑暗》Epic版再次遭下架】在经历了去年的一波三折后,备受玩家追捧的中世纪生存游戏《越来越黑暗》(Dark and Darker)似乎又迎来了新的挑战。这次,游戏从Epic游戏商店神秘消失,让不少粉丝感到困惑与不安。
据韩联社2月26日报道,韩国游戏公司Dynamis One因涉嫌泄露Nexon Games未公开项目,最近遭到韩国警方的立案调查。 报道称,24日首尔警方搜查了Dynamis One ...
A South Korean court has ruled partially in favor of Nexon in its trade secrets lawsuit against Ironmace over the game Dark and Darker, ordering the smaller studio to pay 8.5 billion won ($6.4 ...
2024年3月在Epic游戏商城首发一年后,《Dark and Darker》的免费版本再次被下架。开发商Ironmace表示,由于该游戏与游戏公司Nexon Games存在持续的版权法律纠纷,因此该游戏已被下架。《Dark and Darker》于2023年2月在Steam上推出,但Nexon表示该游戏最初是其自己的原型项目P3 之后,便被下架了一次。Ironmace由前Nexon员工组成,Ne ...
Whether you prefer RPGs, shooters, kart games or action, we have you covered with our Best Nexon Games, Ranked list.
The lowest price model is Tata Nexon Smart and the top model price is Tata Nexon Fearless Plus PS Dark Diesel AMT priced at ₹ 15.60 Lakh. Visit your nearest Tata Nexon showroom in Navi Mumbai ...
The lowest price model is Tata Nexon Smart and the top model price is Tata Nexon Fearless Plus PS Dark Diesel AMT priced at ₹ 15.60 Lakh. Visit your nearest Tata Nexon showroom in Kanpur Dehat ...