GameLook去年曾报道过,该案件起因是Ironmace的创始人及团队的大多数成员,属于前Nexon《Project P3》项目的成员,而在《P3》项目开发了近一年时间后 ...
Epic平台再次将争议游戏《Dark and Darker》下架,揭开了韩国游戏行业背后的法律斗争。这款游戏自2023年2月在Steam上线以来,就因其源于Nexon Games的原型项目P3而陷入了版权漩涡。如今,它在Epic商城的再度下架,似乎是这场价值数亿美元的游戏代码之争的又一集。而这一事件不仅让开发商Ironmace深受打击,也使玩家群体感受到前所未有的紧张气氛。
Nexon认为他们非法泄露了Nexon的在研项目《Project P3》的相关信息,然后离职成立新公司开发出《Dark and Darker》。 目前该案件的民事诉讼已经一审宣判 ...
2024年3月,Epic游戏商城宣布将韩国热门游戏《Dark and Darker》的免费版下架,原因与开发商Ironmace与Nexon之间的持续版权法律纠纷有关。这一决定是在《Dark and Darker》自2023年2月在Steam平台推出后不到一年内做出的。Nexon主张,该游戏是其原型项目P3的延续,并指控Ironmace团队利用了“被盗”的代码与资产。
Nexon's claims are clear. They assert that key development materials for their undisclosed project 'P3' were illegally leaked and that Ironmace developed 'Dark and Darker' based on this.
Nexon was reportedly working on a similar project, codenamed P3, but pulled the plug on it in 2021; Ironmace was founded shortly thereafter by former Nexon employees. Legal wrangling continued ...
The Seoul Central District Court ruled that Ironmace “copying, distributing, renting or broadcasting the game does not constitute an infringement on Nexon’s copyright on project P3.” ...
Nexon alleged that this former lead poached some of their teammates to develop a game similar to project P3 – which they believe is Dark and Darker. According to Korea JoongAng Daily ...