The Max drama series reunites Wyle with 'ER' duo John Wells and R. Scott Gemmill. By Christy Piña Associate Editor The series “is a realistic examination of the challenges facing healthcare ...
Noah, and John know how to make great television. "When they came to us with the idea of reinvigorating the medical TV genre with a fresh, realistic look at today's modern hospitals, we knew we ...
Each episode follows an hour of Dr. Robby’s (Noah Wyle) 15-hour shift as the chief attendant in Pittsburgh Trauma Medical Hospital’s emergency room.” In the trailer, Dr. Robby finds his co ...
After nearly 15 years on “ER,” Noah Wyle puts his scrubs back on in ... reboot of “ER,” which Crichton created. Warner Bros. TV has fired back at the suit, saying “‘The Pitt’ is ...