Effective and efficient oversight of the global nuclear supply chain is crucial in both nuclear new build and operating nuclear facilities. The successful implementation of management of quality, as a ...
The purpose of the event is to provide training for specialists at, and newcomers to, nuclear facilities on nuclear supply chain oversight, including the related standards and management, procurement ...
Two much-watched advanced nuclear fuel technology companies—Oklo ... potentially accelerate innovation across the nuclear supply chain. Under… ...
Learn more here. In 1942, the Manhattan Project needed to create a chain reaction—a crucial step toward proving that it would be possible to make an atomic bomb. The scientists achieved this sustained ...
In this case, the partnership is with Rolls-Royce, which is the lead company for the UK Nuclear Supply Chain. Whilst this programme focuses on the Civil Nuclear new-build industry, but has broad ...
One of the U.S. Department of Energy's goals is to foster a domestic or friendly-nation supply chain for low-enriched uranium for current reactors and the next generation of nuclear technologies.