Here is the equation for the alpha decay of radon-219 into polonium. Beta decay involves the conversion of a down quark to an up quark. This changes a neutron into a proton plus an electron.
A tank of the purest water, buried under kilometers of rock in Ontario, Canada, flashed as a barely detectable particle ...
The nuclear reactor is housed within a steel pressure container inside another containment building, which is usually made out of concrete. The containment building surrounds the nuclear reactor.
Further investigations 2 demonstrated the existence of at least nine radioactive periods, six of which were assigned to elements beyond uranium, and nuclear ... itself by beta decay to the lower ...
beta-plus decay does the reverse and turns protons into neutrons. To understand what this, and the weak force, is all about, we first need to mention the strong nuclear force. The strong force ...
The measured bound-state beta decay half-life is essential to analyzing the accumulation of ²⁰⁵Pb in the interstellar medium. However, other nuclear reactions are also important, including ...