Events that have no safety relevance with respect to radiation or nuclear safety are not rated on the scale. Almost 80 IAEA Member States have designated INES National Officers. Member States are ...
SAFRON, Safety in Radiation Oncology is an integrated voluntary reporting and learning system in radiotherapy and radionuclide therapy incidents and near misses. The main goal of SAFRON is to improve ...
All-out nuclear ... accidents, including the 1980 episode in Damascus, Arkansas — the subject of the American Experience documentary Command and Control. However, there are many other incidents ...
Administration of iodide can reduce the thyroid radiation dose by 98%... The designs of French nuclear reactors are different from that of Chernobyl, and safety systems include rigorous plant ...
The team met at a Nairobi hotel where participants made a case for Kenya, saying a number of local universities have fully-fledged departments already running nuclear physics and nuclear science ...
Furthermore, the Russians have repeatedly provoked incidents at the ZNPP ... This is the only way to restore nuclear and radiation safety for the entire continent," the statement reads.