The office of Ontario’s Patient Ombudsman received some 4,429 complaints in the 2023-24 fiscal year — the most since it ...
When people go to see their family doctor, they think of it the way they do when they go to a hospital: it’s publicly funded, you go in, show your OHIP card, get treatment you need and walk away.
Since they are unable to bill for services under OHIP, as doctors can, the service — although it is considered basic primary care — is also considered “uninsured” by the province ...
Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles cast her ballot in the advance polls that opened Thursday, as her party lost a second election candidate, while the other party leaders talked mental health ...
Awad and Lauzon told similar stories of their clinic informing them there were lenses covered by OHIP but that there were better, more expensive options. Lauzon said she was offered a range of ...