以往研究表明,GDM 孕妇的早产风险较高,但不同的口服葡萄糖耐量试验(Oral Glucose Tolerance Test,OGTT)异常组合与早产风险的关系却并不明确。有的研究发现 1 小时和 2 小时负荷后高血糖与早产相关,有的则认为只有空腹血糖或 2 小时负荷后高血糖与早产有关。
The researchers found that at the three-month OGTT, one-hour glucose identified 60 of 70 women concurrently diagnosed with dysglycemia by two-hour glucose and diagnosed an additional 96 women ...
The OGTT takes a little longer than the other two glucose tests for diabetes. In this test, a healthcare professional draws your blood once after an overnight fast and again 2 hours after you drin ...
A new study from Italy shows that even a single 30-minute session of aerobic exercise can improve how the body handles sugar ...
One-hour glucose at 3 months postpartum was the strongest predictor for future dysglycemia risk. The use of a 1-hour oral glucose tolerance test instead of a 2-hour OGTT may be more accurate in ...
Recent research suggests that consuming two cups of fresh mango daily can improve insulin sensitivity and lower insulin ...
Doctors consider very low blood sugar to be a medical emergency, as it can lead to seizures, coma, and even death. fasting non-fasting hemoglobin A1C test oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), a 2 ...
Objective: To observe the relationship of fasting plasma glucose (FPG), postchallenge plasma glucose (PG) (30, 60, 90, and 120 min during an oral glucose tolerance test [OGTT], as well as maximal ...