Letter writers discuss harvesting menhaden in the Chesapeake Bay, how to attract and retain well-qualified Virginia teachers ...
An osprey that has become a feathered celebrity at Lake Casitas Recreation Area near Ojai brings a meal to the tall post it ...
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy's administration removed bald eagles and ospreys from the state's endangered species list ...
Bald eagles and ospreys were removed from the state Endangered Species List after years of recovery efforts, the DEP ...
The bird populations have recovered to the point where their question of their survival in the Garden State is no longer in ...
Once dwindling due to insecticide use and other environmental harms, the birds have made a significant come-back.
"The NJDEP Fish and Wildlife's Endangered and Nongame ... Here is everything you need to know about the recovery of bald eagle and osprey populations per the DEP's announcement.
The populations of the birds of prey have rebounded over the past 40 years after they dwindled largely due to DDT insecticide ...
biologists from Fish and Wildlife at the DEP and the Conserve Wildlife Foundation documented a record 800 occupied osprey nests. While the delisting of ospreys and eagles from their previous ...
NEW JERSEY – Environmental conservation successes are rare, especially in the era of climate change. But last week, local ...