澳大利亚追随华盛顿主导的所谓“印太战略”,用P-3C“猎户座” 和P-8A“波塞冬”反潜巡逻机,执行监视南海的“门户行动”,时常对南沙群岛 ...
2月27日,波音公司为德国海军制造的第一架p-8a“海神”反潜巡逻机完成了首飞,这是德国国防能力的一个重要里程碑。 此次试飞从华盛顿伦顿市立 ...
The crew of a Royal Australian Air Force P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft shared their ...
Crew members can also network with aircraft, ships and bases for instant commands and feedback. The P-8A is fitted with a UARRS allowing it to refuel in-flight and extend the mission, saving time ...
Conducted as part of the Air Force’s first iteration of regional presence deployments for the year, 11 Squadron’s P-8A ...
Exercising Australia's freedom of navigation, the Royal Australian Air Force successfully completed maritime surveillance ...
The P-8A Poseidon is a maritime patrol aircraft developed by Boeing for the United States Navy (US Navy). It is based on the Boeing 737-800ERX design but has been heavily modified for military ...