2025年2月18日,一篇新的研究论文发表在Oncotarget,第16卷,题为“端粒酶永生人类细胞中强大的p53表型和潜在的下游靶标”。 2025年2月18日,《Oncotarget》杂志第16卷发表了一篇题为“端粒酶永生化人类细胞中稳健的p53表型及潜在下游靶点”的研究论文。来自西德尼 ...
Ito and colleagues show that acetylation of p53 accompanies the kinetics of its stabilization, leading them to ask what factors might mediate this acetylation. Previous studies indicate that p300 ...
A new research paper was published in Oncotarget, Volume 16, on February 18, 2025, titled "Robust p53 phenotypes and prospective downstream targets in telomerase-immortalized human cells.