在这样的背景下,来自多个研究机构的研究人员,包括德黑兰医科大学等(第一作者单位为国外机构),开展了关于重新利用抗寄生虫药物喷他脒(Pentamidine,PTM)治疗癌症的研究。该研究成果发表在《Journal of Translational Medicine》上,为癌症治疗开辟了新的思路。
Figure 8: Regulation of ALDH3A1 and NECTIN4 by p53. Researchers Jessica J. Miciak, Lucy Petrova, Rhythm Sajwan, Aditya Pandya, Mikayla Deckard, Andrew J. Munoz, and Fred Bunz from the Sidney ...
No one really understands why activation of the tumor suppressor p53 sometimes leads to cell-cycle arrest and sometimes induces an apoptotic program. It has been proposed that post-translational ...