The Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Wildlife Management Committee will meet this week to discuss potential changes that may ...
A Pennsylvania hunter was surprised when an extremely wide antlered buck appeared. Here's why other hunters called it "The ...
Ashely Matchett and her husband tagged their first buck together in early December. It was a wide-racked, Pennsylvania giant ...
A Pennsylvania teenager harvested a unique deer with a palmated antler that resembles a moose antler. Here's how the hunt ...
A Pennsylvania hunter has a memorable birthday weekend when he harvests a massive buck on public hunting land. Here's why.
Pennsylvania’s elk hunting season is split into three parts. The archery and general seasons are closed. Within the framework ...
Austin Amacher tagged a big, typical 12-point in Pennsylvania in late November while doing a deer drive with family.
HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – The Pennsylvania Game Commission ... the committee will review several proposals regarding turkey, elk, and deer hunting during its meeting on December 19.
A Pennsylvania hunter had the surprise of a lifetime when a buck other hunters call “The Elk” stepped out in front of her hunting blind. Ashley Matchett of Bulger, Washington County ...