You have full access to this article via your institution. To demonstrate the power of PCR–mediated recombination and provide an example of the general utility of the method, we constructed ...
研究表明,CRF07_BC 亚型在浙江北部地区占主导地位且呈上升趋势。老年人群在当地 HIV-1 传播中起着关键作用,他们更易聚集在传播网络中,在大型集群中占比高,部分传播集群 Re 值大于 1。这提示公共卫生服务应重点关注老年人群,针对这一关键人群开展主动检测和特定干预措施,如性健康宣传教育、伴侣服务等,以有效遏制 HIV-1 的传播。同时,研究也存在一定局限性,如无法确定传播方向、存在抽样偏差 ...
PCR-Machines are based on Polymerase Chain Reaction ... Chlamydia trachomatis, HIV-1 causing AIDS, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, human papillomavirus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Cytomegalovirus ...
Global College of Pharmaceutical Technology, the pharmaceutical arm of Global Knowledge Campus, hosted a 4 day conference ...
In an unprecedented crisis, a small town called Taunsa Sharif, located in South Punjab, is grappling with an alarming outbreak of HIV/AIDS among minor children aged from nine months to 10 years, with ...