实验验证阶段,通过 RT-qPCR 检测发现,K1 抗体能显著富集内源性逆转录病毒(ERV)、部分 SINE 和长散在核元件(LINE)等来源的 dsRNA;同时,通过蛋白质免疫印迹分析证实,已知的 dsRBPs 如 ADAR1、PKR 和 STAU1 等,在 K1 共沉淀洗脱液中高度富集。大规模实验中 ...
为解决小麦赤霉病(FHB)防治难题,研究人员探索纳米技术与 SIGS-dsRNA 技术,发现该技术可有效防控病害,意义重大。 ### 小麦赤霉病防治的新曙光:纳米技术与 SIGS-dsRNA 技术的奇妙结合 在全球粮食生产的大舞台上,小麦是当之无愧的主角之一,它为数十亿人 ...
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)–dependent protein kinase PKR is a growth inhibitory protein that induces death in virally infected cells, but its potential in controlling tumor growth is unknown. In ...
In many species, introduction of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) induces potent and specific gene silencing, a phenomenon called RNA interference or RNAi. The apparently widespread nature of RNAi in ...
RNA-based medicines are one of the most promising ways to fight human disease, as demonstrated by the recent successes of RNA vaccines and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) therapies. But while health ...