索尼近期宣布了一项针对PS Portal掌机的重要更新,为用户带来了丰富的串流游戏内容。此次更新特别引入了超过50款经典的PS1和PSP游戏作品,让玩家无需连接PS5主机,即可直接通过PS Portal享受这些怀旧佳作。 这一更新无疑为PS Plus ...
索尼近期公布,PS Portal掌机新增了大量可串流游戏内容,其中包括超过50款经典的PS1和PSP游戏作品。这一更新使得PS Plus Premium会员无需依赖PS5主机,即可直接通过PS Portal串流体验这些经典游戏。
PS Portal 的云串流功能最初仅支持部分 PS5 游戏, 但如今已涵盖几乎所有 PS1 和 PSP 经典游戏目录中的作品 。根据 TrueTrophies 的统计,目前玩家可以在云串流库中畅玩诸如《捉猴啦》(Ape Escape)、《铁拳》(Tekken)、《龙骑士传说》(Legend of Dragoon)等经典游戏。
There are apparently over 30 new games available to stream via the cloud on PlayStation Portal without using a PS5--and ...
The Japanese company tried to answer the question by creating a marketing campaign that would appeal to both fans of the PlayStation and portable gaming. The PSP launched in Japan in December 2004 ...
Only a small fraction of developers’ ideas for games ever actually get made. Even ones that make it through the prototype stage often never see the light of day. A newly unearthed 2010 pitch for a ...