美国地质调查所(USGS)表示,距离开曼群岛(Cayman Islands)外海约209公里的加勒比海今天发生规模7.6地震,波多黎各与维京群岛都接获海啸预警。 位于美国夏威夷的“太平洋海啸警报中心”(Pacific Tsunami Warning ...
The Trump administration cut about 600 workers at the National Weather Service and NOAA. That could hinder work on programs ...
commentators worldwide were calling for a tsunami warning system in the Indian Ocean akin to a successful one now operating in the Pacific. If such a system had been up and running in the Indian ...
Christmas in 2004, when a 9.1-magnitude earthquake west of the Indonesian island of Sumatra set off a mammoth wave that was ...
The Tonga Meteorological Services said a tsunami warning was declared for all of the archipelago, and data from the Pacific tsunami center said waves of 80 centimeters (2.7 feet) were detected.
The U.S. Tsunami Warning System had initially forecast waves of up to 3 meters for Cuba and between 0.3 and 1 meter for Honduras and the Cayman Islands but later said the threat had passed.
“Based on all available data… the tsunami ... US Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. READ: Caribbean braces for ‘extremely dangerous’ Hurricane Beryl Earlier, the Tsunami Warning System ...