为探究 m6A RNA 修饰在子宫内膜异位症(EMs)发病机制中的作用,厦门大学研究人员开展相关研究,发现 FTO 通过降低 GEF-H1 的 m6A 水平促进 EMs 发展,为疾病治疗提供新方向。 在女性健康的领域中,子宫内膜异位症(Endometriosis,EMs)就像一颗隐藏的 “定时炸弹 ...
LAHORE: Thousands of teachers and staff associated with the secondary education boards have received a significant relief ...
The FTO order declared that the remuneration, fees/ wages paid by the Boards of Intermediate & Secondary Education to the supervisory and invigilation staff and paper markers, under an arrangement ...
Human GWAS paradoxically linked FTO SNPs to both lean mass and sarcopenia/obesity. Here, Guang et al used CRISPR-edited stem cells to reveal that an obesogenic FTO SNP accelerates both muscle ...
The Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) has ruled that all power distribution companies must collect an 18% sales tax on electricity supply without adjusting for net metering, citing concerns over ...