Indian cricketer Irfan Pathan recently took to his social media account to post a heartfelt tribute to his hairstylist Faiyaz Ansari who recently passed away by drowning in a swimming pool.
The renowned keyboardist married his wife Maud Hudson in 1987. They were together for 35 years until she died in 2022, due to health issues. She was a singer and actress and was known as the “Sister” ...
Reigning World Tag Team Champions War Raiders honored a former collegue, who recently passed away, on Monday's episode of RAW. Erik and Ivar paid tribute to Jax Dane, a one-time NWA World ...
Lisa Kudrow discovered a hidden note from Matthew Perry around one year after the actor passed away. Kudrow, 61, told Drew Barrymore on the Tuesday, January 7, episode of The Drew Barrymore Show, that ...