At last the crafty penguins of Madagascar have their own movie. That it was unimaginatively ... So, the penguins, Skipper, Kowalski, Private, and Rico, are in the Antarctic. They find an egg ...
Discover the secrets of the greatest and most hilarious covert birds in the global espionage biz: Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private. These elite of the elite are joining forces with a chic ...
Rico and Private as they waddle to the world premiere of their first feature-length DVD - with never-before-seen missions! You may think they're just a cute pack of penguins, but these flightless ...
They literally dared Arrowhead to have a crossover with the Madagascar animated movie and bring the penguins Skipper, Kowalski, Private, and Rico to the game as cosmetics. While that sounds ...