How much would you pay for a personal assistant robot that can mow the lawn, vacuum the floors, and wash the dishes? That cost will be an issue industry leaders say could be the determining factor ...
[Erik Knutsson] is stuck inside with a bunch of robot parts, and we know what lies down that path. His Open Personal Assistant Robotic Platform aims to help out around the house with things like ...
On Monday, Kim Kardashian introduced her new personal assistant robot to her 359 million followers on Instagram. After movies like The Terminator and I, Robot, it should come as no surprise that ...
The current state of virtual personal assistants — Alexa ... What we really want to do is build Almond into a robot. For now, we may just repurpose a Google Raspberry Pi.
It uses facial recognition to dispense the right pills at the right times. #6 Temi is a mobile personal assistant robot. It can follow you around and be there when you need it. You can ask Temi ...
While many fear robots might one day take over the human race, Elon Musk is one of the billionaires aiming to lead us into a new tech-driven era. He unveiled the Optimus "personal assistant" robot ...
Both the industrial and service robotics markets are hot. In addition, the consumer market is seeing a new level of interest, as the industry is invaded by the next wave of so-called personal ...
Ultimately, TIAGo will help us create personal assistant robots for the home. The robots were on a day trip to Athlone from Maynooth University's Robotics' department. Futureville Ireland is ...
The emergence of assistant robots promises to change this. By allowing surgeons to perform the procedure remotely, the robots can help surgeons avoid any exposure to X-rays. “Surgeons can sit ...
It uses facial recognition to dispense the right pills at the right times. #6 Temi is a mobile personal assistant robot. It can follow you around and be there when you need it. You can ask Temi ...