More than 150 false killer whales stranded on Tasmania beach - Ninety whales were still alive on Wednesday but refloating efforts are difficult due to rough ocean conditions ...
Marine experts have given up hope of rescuing more than 150 false killer whales that became stranded on a remote beach on ...
During another mass stranding event last year, rescuers were able to save 130 beached pilot whales in Western Australia. For the most recent case, “the team on the ground will [be] conducting ...
Pilot whales are one of the most common species ... There are various theories for why beaching occur. Some say the animals could be getting disoriented after following fish they hunt to the ...
Long-finned pilot whales – a gregarious species with complex ... to the role of social behaviors in mass strandings of these animals. At sea they form family units known as pods.
Challenging surf conditions forced rescuers to abandon their efforts to save a pod of 157 stranded false killer whales.