Officials who punished two parents for wearing pink wristbands marked “XX” during a soccer game featuring a transgender player defended their decision at a hearing on whether they can take ...
Attorneys for both sides filed their post-hearing briefs late Friday, after a two-day hearing last month before Judge Steven McAuliffe The lawsuit alleges that the defendants violated the plaintiffs' ...
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Two New Hampshire fathers who were barred from school district events for wearing pink wristbands marked “XX” to represent female chromosomes insisted at a federal court ...
In his post-hearing brief, Attorney Endel Kolde of the Institute for Free Speech argues that "even a symbolic, relatively innocuous expression" like wearing a pink wristband adorned with XX is ...
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — School district officials who punished two parents for wearing pink wristbands marked “XX” during a soccer game featuring a transgender player defended their decision ...
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — School district officials who punished two parents for wearing pink wristbands marked “XX” during a soccer game featuring a transgender player defended their decision Friday at a ...